Den globalen Fluss managen

Um die anstehenden Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, benötigen Führungskräfte von heute ein immer breiteres Spektrum an Fähigkeiten. Es herrscht ein intensiver Wettbewerb jener Führungskräfte, die Unternehmen erfolgreich auf dem Weg des Wandels und der Transformation begleiten können. Treiber dieser Entwicklung sind unter anderem ESG-Anforderungen, neue Technologien, die Digitalisierung und vertikale Integrationen.

Wir wissen, dass unsere Kundinnen und Kunden nach einer neuen Art von Führungskräften suchen: Herausragende Fachleute mit Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, inspirierenden Leadership und zukunftsweisende technologische Lösungen. Wollen auch Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf nachhaltigen Erfolg ausrichten?

Unser Ansatz und Fokus

Gerade in diesem Branchenbereich ist unser Suchansatz „Local Influence with Global Reach“ besonders wichtig, um für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden die besten Lösungen zu finden.

Transportwesen & Logistik Practice Team

Sektorspezialisierungen "global content"

Being a more regional sector, having the right leadership is more important than ever for rail organizations. They operate in a fast-evolving environment that is influenced by industry consolidation, an increased focus on digitization, high importance of cyber-security, and last but not least increasing urbanization. Our consultants are deeply involved in those topics and can add substantial value to our clients in the search process.


Globally, 70% of all goods are transported by road, which makes trucking a substantial factor in Supply Chain & Logistics. This sub-industry is challenged by fuel costs, improved customer service, government regulations, environmental issues, and technology strategies and implementation. Therefore recruiting experienced and forward-thinking executives can make all the difference in winning in this highly competitive environment.

Our consultants know where to find the right skill sets and mindsets in order to make a winning difference for our clients.

3Maritime & Shipping

A truly global sector, the maritime & shipping industry is today tackling a number of urgent challenges. Alongside geopolitical shifts, shipping companies are facing huge technological changes including rapid digitization and the opportunities and threats posed by AI. At the same time, there is a global imperative for improved sustainability within the industry, which has made a commitment to a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050. 

With our consultants based in major shipping hubs across the world, the practice brings together one of the most experienced teams of Industry experts within any global executive search and leadership firm.

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