Lucia Moreno
Lucia Moreno
Leadership Services Leader

Leadership Advisory

Lucía joined Amrop Argentina in 2016.

She has 18 years of experience in Human Resources, in local and regional corporate positions, as well as in consulting roles. She was Human Resources Manager of The Linde Group for Argentina and Uruguay, Leadership and Development Specialist for the Americas Region, HRBP of different areas. Responsible for training and development of the same company. She was facilitator of several programs, such as leadership for middle and senior management, change management, the 7 habits of high-performing people, among others.

She currently leads the Leadership Services business unit at Amrop, has vast experience in senior executive headhunting processes, and is co-creator and facilitator of the Onboarding Program.

Lucía has a degree in Human Resources, a specialization in leadership and coaching from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and a certification as Ontological Coach, also from Universidad Di Tella, together with Rafael Echeverría's School (ECORE). She graduated in Agile Methodologies (UTN) and has a specialization in Organizational Coaching from Universidad de San Andrés.

Stepping into a new role is a great challenge, it takes us out of our comfort zone, it pushes and encourages us to rethink and develop new skills. The key to this dizzying roller coaster is to be aware of our capabilities, to take a moment and slow down, to analyze the new context carefully, to ask ourselves: what is functional for this new challenge, what do I need to let go of and what do I need to develop? Considering learning as an ally in these processes will bring along with it the opp