Amrop concludes search for chairperson and independent non-executive directors to the board of the FAI (Football Association of Ireland).


After an intensive process, the Football Association of Ireland has announced the appointment of the independent non-executive directors to what will be a fully refreshed board of the FAI, the Republic of Ireland’s football governing body. The appointments have also been welcomed by Shane Ross, Minister for the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Ireland.

The selection and appointments have been a cornerstone of the July 2019 Governance Review Group report: a joint partnership between the FAI and Sport Ireland. The report made a total 78 recommendations to improve governance at the FAI.

The new independent directors bring a vital blend of financial, HR and legal competencies to the board of an organisation that is set to undergo significant, and high profile, reform.

Roy Barrett, Managing Director of Goodbody, Ireland's longest established stockbroking firm, takes up the role of Independent Chairman. He is joined by independent non-executive directors Catherine Guy, CEO of Autolease Fleet Management (Sixt Leasing) and a former managing partner of law firm ByrneWallace, and Liz Joyce, HR Director of the Central Bank of Ireland. A fourth independent director will be appointed in the coming weeks.

David Kelly, Managing Partner of Amrop in Ireland led the search process on behalf of the executive search firm. Welcoming the outcome he said: “These appointments are the fruit of a strong collaboration with the FAI’s Nominations Committee, the Governance Review Committee and Sport Ireland. We are delighted to have been able to contribute to this critical phase in the life of the FAI. We look forward to accompanying the new board in onboarding the three new independent non-executive directors, and wish them all success in their pivotal roles.”

About Amrop

Amrop advises organizations in the domains of Executive Search, Board and Leadership Services. With over 60 offices around the world, Amrop supports companies in identifying and positioning ‘Leaders For What’s Next’: top talent, adept at working across borders in markets around the world.